The EMSella Chair For Urinary Incontinence + Overactive Bladder

The BTL EMSella Chairis for women seeking relief from stress incontinence or wanting to enhance their intimate wellness. This revolutionary non-invasive treatment restores bladder control by improving neuromuscular control of the pelvic muscles.
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If you’re suffering from an overactive bladder, you’re not alone. Urinary incontinence affects anywhere from to
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The Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence
Reviews In Urology
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20% to 50% of women
, and factors such as childbirth and menopause can increase its prevalence in the female population significantly. What’s more, while many women are intimately familiar with how an overactive bladder affects their quality of life, they don’t realize that there are options other than wearing a pad and see urinary incontinence as something that has to be lived with. Fortunately for millions of women, the EMSella chair offers a groundbreaking intimate health treatment option for those with mild to moderate bladder leakage. If you find that you leak urine when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or even while you exercise, EMSella can help restore your pelvic floor muscles to the way they used to be—improving your bladder function. Dr. Sarah Mess is proud to offer patients in the DMV, Baltimore, and Columbia, MD the EMSella Chairas part of our medical spa’s comprehensive intimate wellness program.
The EMSella Procedure
EMSella is an FDA cleared medical device in the form of a chair that stimulates the pelvic floor using high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to strengthen and tone weakened pelvic muscles in a 28-minute session. In a painless and simple non-invasive procedure, patients are instructed to sit on the EMSella chair fully-clothed and during this time, EMSella will simulate roughly 10,000 kegel exercises, toning your pelvic floor muscles and strengthening your bladder control.

What Does EMSella Treat?
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
Stress Urinary Incontinence, while common, is a disruptive and concerning condition that causes urinary dysfunction for some women, such as leaking urine when they sneeze, cough, laugh, or exercise. Weak pelvic floor muscles are crucial to supporting the pelvic organs that control continence.
Urge Incontinence(UUI)
Urge urinary incontinence is a type of urinary incontinence where a person experiences an involuntary leakage of urine that is preceded by or accompanied by a sudden and
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Differentiating stress urinary incontinence from urge urinary incontinence
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
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strong urge to urinate.
Overactive Bladder
This common condition affects
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Overactive Bladder
Cedars Sinai
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one in 11 people
. Overactive bladder causes a urinary frequency that can be disruptive, as well as an urgency to urinate that can be problematic if there’s no bathroom nearby.

How Does EMSella Work?
There are many reasons why the pelvic floor muscles weaken, from childbirth and menopause to genetics and even the natural effects of aging. When this happens, these muscles can weaken to the point where it can be difficult to feel where they are, much less isolate and target with strengthening exercises. EMSella uses electromagnetic energy to deliver thousands of deep pelvic floor muscle contractions in each session, returning neuromuscular control to the pelvic floor and jumpstarting the restorative process.
Most women need two EMSella treatments per week for 3 weeks, for a total of 6 treatments. After the treatment period, most patients notice a dramatic improvement in bladder control and strengthened muscles.
The EMSella chair treatment can also be paired with other med spa treatments such as diVa Vaginal Laser for more comprehensive intimate care. During your consultation, Dr. Mess will provide a customized treatment plan designed to address your unique needs.
FAQs About EMSella
Does EMSella Hurt?
No, EMSella does not hurt and requires no recovery time or downtime after the treatment session. You can proceed with your regularly scheduled daily activities immediately following your appointment.
Is EMSella Used For Any Other Conditions?
Yes, patients who do not have issues with overactive bladder or urinary stress incontinence choose to use EMSella for its intimate benefits. Many women experience a dramatic improvement in their enjoyment of sexual intimacy.
What Can I Expect From My EMSella Treatment?
EMSella is a quick and easy noninvasive treatment that takes roughly 30 minutes in our comfortable medical spa. All that’s required is that you sit and relax, fully clothed, in the patented EMSella chair. The treatment is completely painless and has no side effects. Some patients report some mild tingling during their treatment, as well as contractions in the pelvic floor, but these sensations don’t cause any discomfort. After your EMSella treatment, you can immediately resume your normal activities without any required restrictions or downtime.
What Kind of Results Can I Expect From EMSella?
Every patient is different; some women experience a decrease in urinary incontinence symptoms after one treatment, while others need the full six treatments. However, EMSella results continue to improve gradually with each treatment session. Of patients who underwent sessions using high-focused electromagnetic energy like EMSella treatments, 67% were able to reduce or eliminate the use of pads for urinary incontinence,
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HIFEM™ Technology Can Improve Quality Of Life For Incontinent Patients
Berenholz, J., MD, Sims, T., MD, Botros, G., MD
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95% reported a significant improvement in their quality of life
What Does EMSella Cost?
A package of 6 EMSella treatments costs $1,800.
Join the countless women in the DMV, Baltimore, and Columbia, MD who have solved bladder control issues and changed their lives for the better with EMSella. Contact us for more information or to set up your personal consultation at our medical spa with Dr. Sarah Mess.
Does EMSella have any side effects?
The Emsella Chair generally has minimal side effects. During the procedure, patients feel tingling, tapping, and pelvic floor contractions. Some individuals may experience temporary redness, muscle pain, muscle spasms, or joint and tendon discomfort in the treated area, but these effects typically subside quickly. EMSella has been shown to be safe and effective and patients reported no downtime, pain, or adverse events after
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Safety and Efficacy of a Non-Invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) Device for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Enhancement of Quality of Life
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
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Schedule Your Consultation
To schedule a consultation with our board certified plastic surgeon, please contact us or call (410) 559-9406 today.
1 Reviews In Urology. The Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence. Available at: Accessed October 21, 2020.
2 International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Differentiating stress urinary incontinence from urge urinary incontinence. Available: Accessed May 6, 2023.
3 Cedars Sinai. Overactive Bladder. Available at:,often%20in%20their%20mid%2Dforties. Accessed October 21, 2020.
4 Berenholz, J., MD, Sims, T., MD, Botros, G., MD. HIFEM™ Technology Can Improve Quality Of Life For Incontinent Patients. Available at: Accessed November 3, 2020.
5 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Safety and Efficacy of a Non-Invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Field (HIFEM) Device for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Enhancement of Quality of Life. Available: Accessed December 7, 2023.
Dr. Sarah Mess has either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated