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Breast Implant Replacement with Fat Transfer
Implant Removal | Breast Lift | Fat Transfer to Breast
This patient is in her mid 60s and wanted to remove her breast implants in exchange for fat grafting. She had a single fat transfer surgery which was harvested from her outer thighs and upper abdomen. This results showcases her results 3 months post fat transfer surgery.
Breast Implant to Fat Transfer conversion for natural augmentation. Patient aged 45-54 exchanged implants for fat transfer to augment her breast and provide volume and shape. Patient also underwent tummy tuck procedure at the same time as her breast fat transfer. Photos taken 6 weeks post procedure.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation patient age 34-45. Abdominal liposuction with single fat transfer procedure to replace existing 475 cc breast implants. Patient received 600 cc’s of fat transfer to each breast. Photos taken eight weeks post transfer procedure showing significant improvement in breast shape and body contour.
Fat Transfer breast augmentation implant exchange results. Patient aged 45-54 exchanged implants with fat transfer to augment her breast and provide volume and shape. Patient also underwent tummy tuck procedure at the same time as her breast fat transfer. Photos taken 6 weeks post procedure.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation patient age 45-54. Single fat transfer procedure to replace existing 350cc saline breast implants. Patient received 700 cc’s fat transfer to right breast and 640 cc’s of fat to left breast and went from a 34DD with implants to a 34DDD with fat transfer augmentation. Photos taken eight weeks post transfer procedure showing significant improvement in breast shape, contour, and symmetry.
Fat Transfer breast augmentation implant exchange results. Patient aged 35-44 presented with ruptured saline implant. Opted for implant removal and fat transfer to breast. Liposuction harvest from abdomen and flanks. Photos taken 9 months post procedure.