Thick, dark lashes are an enviable beauty trait, but even those lucky enough to be born with great lashes will experience thinner and less robust lashes by the time they reach their mid 30’s. For decades the best options were Maybelline and extensions, but now you can grow thick lush lashes in just a few weeks with prescription LATISSE®. Our medical spa is proud to offer LATISSE®, the first and only FDA approved treatment for inadequate or insufficient eyelashes, so if you are interested in growing longer, fuller and darker lashes find out if LATISSE® is right for you.
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The History of LATISSE®
LATISSE® is actually a version of a commonly prescribed glaucoma drug. It’s not often you hear about side effects being exciting, but when glaucoma patients reported longer and lusher lasher during glaucoma treatment their doctors took note, and so did Allergan (the makers of such mainstays as BOTOX® Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM®, and Voluma®). They developed the eyelash enhancer LATISSE® in 2008. It’s now one of the most popular cosmetic services worldwide. If you take a few minutes to view the video below you’ll see why.
The before and after photo is provided courtesy of LATISSE®. Patient shown is not a patient of Dr. Mess.

How Does LATISSE® Work?
Studies show that LATISSE® creates longer, thicker, and darker lashes. The growth period of existing lashes is longer and the patients create more new lashes with LATISSE®.
You apply LATISSE® by brushing it on the upper lash once a day with the sterile applicators supplied. LATISSE® spreads to your lower lash line automatically as you blink. (LATISSE® should never apply it in your eye or onto your lower lid.)
The applicators are single use and should be discarded after each use. The kits comes with ample applicators so don’t risk eye infection by using yesterday’s brush. LATISSE® should be applied to clean eyes and contacts should be removed prior to treatment. Optimal results appears after 16 weeks of daily use. Once optimum results are achieved patients should be able to maintain results by treatment every other day. Unfortunately LATISSE® is not permanent, so if you stop using it altogether your lashes will gradually revert to their pre-treatment state.
LATISSE® clinical trial results showed:
- Eyelash length increased by 25 percent.
- Thickness and fullness increased by 106 percent.
- Eyelash darkness increased by 18 percent.
LATISSE® works gradually and remarkably. Just don’t expect great lashes overnight. While you may see results as soon as 6-8 weeks you won’t have full results until 16 weeks.
How to Use Latisse
Prep for Using Latisse
- Start with a clean face, free of eye makeup
- If you wear contact lenses, remove them before applying Latisse
- Latisse comes with a set of sterile applicators. Use a new, clean applicator for each application.
- Place one drop of Latisse on the applicator.
How to Correctly Apply Latisse
- Carefully run the applicator along the skin of the upper eyelid, where the eyelashes meet the skin.
- Avoid applying it directly to the lower lashes or getting it into your eyes.
- Gently blot any excess solution with a tissue to avoid it from running onto your cheeks.
- Repeat the above steps for the other eye.
- Apply Latisse once per a day and follow the prescribed dosage.
Latisse Maintenance
- Be patient when starting Latisse. It works gradually and full results can take up to 16 weeks to appear.
- Use Latisse consistently for best results.
Set your sights on growth
As the treatment progresses, you’ll first begin to see changes in length. Then, gradually, you’ll notice more thickness and darkness in your lashes. If you’re satisfied with your results by week 8, don’t stop there. Stick with the treatment. After week 16, you’ll see the full effect of LATISSE® solution — and so will others. Contact our med spa to learn more.
Dr. Sarah Mess has either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated