Beauty And Aging

Nothing reflects time so well as your skin. From your hairline to you neckline, there are typical changes expected through each decade of your life. Knowing what to expect helps us find the best options to keep your skin healthy and beautiful at any age. Get to know your skin, and get to know your options.
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20's – Prevention
This is the most important decade for your skin, and developing good habits in your 20’s will pay significant dividends in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond. A proper skin care routine and a commitment to sunscreen are a must to maintain your natural dewy glow. Opt for gentle cleansers and choose a physical sunscreen. This simple daily routine will help stave off signs of aging and keep your skin healthy. As you leave your 20’s in the rearview.

30’s – Play Defense
In your 30’s you may start to notice the effects of age and gravity on your skin. To defend against dull skin and fine lines consider adding Retinol, Vitamin C&E, eye creams and specialty serums to your regimen. To look your best you can also soften wrinkles and erase brown spots with targeted treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic or BBL photo facials. As quickly as your 30’s have come they’re gone.

40’s – Your Next Step
Age, sun exposure and changing hormones can signal significant changes to your skin. To treat loss of volume, deepening laugh lines, crows feet, pigment issues and lax or sagging skin. BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, micro-needling and laser treatments will become your fast friends. While new products like Kybella® can erase a double chin, for the right patient, liposuction, eyelid surgery or a mini lift may be just the change you’re looking for as you gracefully exit your 40’s.

50's – More Than Skin Deep
Skincare and sunscreen are still important, but in your 50’s surgical options like Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), Facelifts and Neck Lifts become more common. Surgery however is not the only option. Non-invasive Lasers, Infini (micro-needling), fat transfer and specialized dermal fillers provide options for those who want a youthful appearance but don’t want surgery. Taking advantage of these lets you say goodbye to your 50’s looking like you’re saying hello.

60’s – Age Intelligently
Make the most of your golden years and look your best no matter what your age. Whether you started early or are playing catch up you have more facial rejuvenation options today than ever before. By combining skincare, surgical and non-surgical options you can build on your results or make a dramatic change. Take some of the preventative steps listed above, and consider surgical options to help you look your best. It’s your life, so make it shine.

Men - Never Go Out of Style
Rugged good looks will never go out of style, but sun damage, age, and weight fluctuations can leave you looking weathered instead of rugged. Keep splotchy brown spots, broken capillaries, and deep wrinkles in check to look your best. Skin care, laser treatments and “BRO-TOX” are common, while new treatments like Kybella® and Coolsculpting® are helping men obtain a chiseled chin and lose their “dad” pouch all without surgery. Sound too good to be true? It’s time to find out what you’ve been missing.

Dr. Sarah Mess has either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated